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🌲 / netlabel bmp push 04

.,sdS$Sbgs,.gggg+ � �ggg+ � �gggg+ � �
sd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Sbgs    ����""""$$$$$$����""""$$$
$$$$P�$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$� .dP��$$""""$$$dP��$$""""$$$dP��$$"  "!$$bdP��$$""""$$$
$$$$b ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l ��� � ?Si;: $$$� � ?Si;: $$$� � ?Si;: ;$$$� � ?Si;: $$$
$$$$$bg.`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g `?b   ?b.  $$$?b   ?b.  $$$?b   ?b.  :$$P?b   ?b.  $$$
$$$$$$$$bs`?$$$$$$$$$$$$b .`�#g,"?b."?$ `�#g,"?b."?$ `�#g,"?b. ?P' `�#g,"?b.��$
?$$$$$$$$$$bs`?$$$$$$$$$$$Sbg,. "��* $ `* .  "��* $"��*'     .,,. ��* $
b.?$$$$$$$$$$$bs`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Sbmmmd$     n  m md$ b       a   .+*#$$$$P�*++.
$b."$$$$$$$$$$$$$bs`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$P�'    ggd$:   d   ."$$$.`?$$."$$$"
$$$b."$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bs`?$$$$$$$$$$� :$$$P  v    j$$ $$$`�.`?$ $$$
$$$$$b.?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bs"?$$$$$$$'i$$$! :    :$$$ $$$ .`+.` $$$
$$$$$$S."$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s."�?$$$$.I$$$:  a    ?$$ $$$ $b.`*.$$$
$$$$$$$$b.?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss.�?$:$$$$ .  n    `".$$$."$$b.`$$$.
$$$$$$$$$$b.?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bs*.?$$$.$b.   c*snd$$$$mn*
$$$$$$$$$$$$s"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P'd$$:`$$!`$$$$s.   e    `"����"'���
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P'    ,$$$$$i?$:l ?$$$$bs+ .dP��$$""""�$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss.`$$$$$$$$$$P'    .d$$$:`�$b?i $."$$$$$$ ��� � ?Si;: �$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Sb.$$$$$P"d$$$$$$s `�'? $$. ?$$$$b.`?b   ?b.  ""'
g."?$$$$$$$$$P'    ?SP�" . .d$:$$$$$$$$'?$$  "$$$$$s.`�#g,"?b.��$
$$$$b."?$$$$$''.gdSb`$b.?$b`?$$$$$'� `b.:$$$  `?$$$$$Ss.  "�?$$$
$$$$$$i ?$$$$b   .s$$$$$$$i`$b $$: "?$P ��  .P'?$$b   ?$$P��""""'   ���
$$$$$$Ii:$$$$$: .$$$$$$$$$$.l$b`$P   .sd$d�".,gd.:$$$b   �'.dP��$$" ""�$$
$$$$$$$S::$$$P .$$$$$$$$$$$b "" '" gggdSS$$$:?$$$b . ���   $$""""""'
$$$$$$$$$$$$�  `���"""",j$$$b.   "?$$$$$$$;?$$$:`b $l   ?Si;: ��$
$$$$$$$$$P' , ��  bg,..d$".ega`"s "?$$$$$$$i?$$$.?b`?b   ?b.  $$$
$$�"`    `?SSP#�""'.  .   d$'j$$$$$$$$$$b.`?s`�?$$?$$$s"$."��$$$
 .d$gdSP".d', .SP.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bs.`bs`'?$$$s`$.sgg
 :$$..$$$$gd'j$'jP'j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.`?b?$$$b ?b   .   ?$
  !$b$$$$$$$$$'dP d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?$$$b ?b   ?  `
  :$$d$$$$$$$$'d'.$$$$$$$$$$$BK$$$$$$$$$$$$$?$$$b ?b   ?b.
   !$:.s ,l$$$$$$$P.P j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.?$$$b ?b   `?s
   :$: `�?$bsdP"" dP j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:?$$$$."b    ?
    !$ s.  `""$$$P d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$;`$$$$s`$
    :$:l$$$bs.   `"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i�$$$b`$.
!: !$:  `"��.   "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I.`$$$b.?b
:$ ;$i".  `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S:�$$$b`$
!$ ?I`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i`?$$b
:$. ?:�   `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I:`$$$
!b lI?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i"$
:!: $i`$$$$$$$$$$$$SP�""�?$$I
:$ `"� + .?$$$$$$$P",s#S$$Sb`?
?' " *.�:$$$P",s$$$$$$$$$$b.g:
d$b.   `"?bs.!$P'j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i
?$$P  *s. `"�?bs.$'j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
.g.    `"�?$bs."�?$bs. : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P�'
 `+.*' ''  '  ?$b.   ggs
gggiggg+gg"��   $$sintro ggg """"�?$$$bs..d$$b.
$$$I$�" ���""$$$$$$b.��.  sggg$$$ ggr+  I$$$$$$$$$P""�b. duction.$$$$$$
$$$S$ i gv .*�""�?$$`gg'  :$$$$$$ $$  :$$$P""?$$$$:   gg gggggggggggggggggggggg
$$$$$bs $ :  �n�� I$ $$sg l$$$$$$ $$ +ggg."*gd$$$$l gsP',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$SP$P?P
gggsgg."�b "*,..,d$$ :t $g$$$$$?` ""'$$$$$$$g$ o ..�"
P"$$ ?$$$gg..:.'d$.
` $P ;  $mmnnmmnmn$$` $P ;
.'d$.Advance is a music-group founded in march 1997 by Maverick..'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
  .+" The reason advance was founded was to create one musicgroup .+"
.'d$.in which some good musicians of sum already existing groups    .'d$.
` $P ;could work  together under one label.  Every musician stays ` $P ;
  ,��with his other group(s),  but once every  now and then they ,��
.'d$.join forces to create a musicdisk / ep together, which will .'d$.
` $P ;then be released under the advance label.                  ` $P ;
  ,��  ,��
.'d$. Our music is mainly underground oriented, going from techno .'d$.
` $P ;/hardhouse to (goa)trance to drum&bass/jungle and further.` $P ;
.'d$. We don't release much,  but when we do, we do our very best    .'d$.
` $P ;to make each  second of your downloading time  a second you` $P ;
  ,��won't regret. =)   ,��
` $P ;    have phun ...                                                  ` $P ;
+gg+gg+gg -members.           ` $P ;
 $$�""$$$$$$$$$$$b$$�""$$$$$$$$$$$$� +ggggg  ��ggggg
 gr .*��".*�""�?$$,dP"?$bgv .*��".*�""�?$$""?$$$$,dP"?$$$$$  ��    .b�"""$$$$$
 $ :  m :  �m�� I$$$  l$$$ :  m :  �m�� g+� :$$$$$$  l$$$$$"�*mmggggggg
"�b "*,. "*,..,d$$g e-����+ "*,. "*,..,*""$ l$$$$g e-�����' """�?$$$P"s l$$$$$$
ggmmmmmmmgggggggg.�*mgg$$$$$ bggd$bggr� b $g$$$$?�*ggg$$$$ $$r+  I$$bggs$$$$$P'
$$ ..... $$$$$$$$$bggg """"" ��$$"""" �-��--�-���-��+ """" $$  :$$$��$$ ggggggg
$$ : � : $$ ggs $$$$$$$$ ::::: $$ f """?$$$$$$b f""?$$$$$b ""   "" gg$$$$$$$
�" :  ggggg $$mmmmmm ggg ggggg �� jmmg :$$P""?$mmg :$$$$$$ staff. $$$P�""�?$$$$
.b�"""$$$$P.��.  sggg$$$ $$$$$"""�g, ! i$$b..sgg ! i$$$$$$ ggggggg$$$i:��:i$$$$
"��+sggggg.`gg'  :$$$$$$gggmgggs+�$$ : �?$$$$P$$ : �?$$$$P.$$$$$$$$$$b,..,d$P��
dP"s l$$$$$S$$sg l$$$$$$$$ a $l gmmmmgd$b ggg $$mgd$b ��',P�".."�?$$$$$P�"sS$
`�*sm$$$$$P':t $g$$$$$?'"?bmd$$g$ gg. "�',$$� $$. "�' .,sd$$$$$$Ss."?P".d$$$$$
gg : . : gggggggggggggd$$bggggggg """ $$$$$$ """� $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$SgS$$$$$$$
$$ :...: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P?P
  .�"   .�"
.'d$.�maverick ...... (organizing) .......... vandebilt@skynet.be�.'d$.
` $P ;    masakado ...... (homepage) ............... marbov@xs4all.nl` $P ;
  .�"  orion ......... (organizing) .............. nijss@xs4all.nl.�"
.'d$. .'d$.
` $P ; ` $P ;
  .+" .+"
 +.   ++
+gg. '  -ggggg ,���.    .........
 $$�""$$$$$$$$$$$b  .".b�"""$$$$$ `+.*' '  : ggggg :
 gv .*��".*�""�?$$, ` "��+sgggggggggigg b�"""$$$$$ musicians.
 $ :  m :  �m�� sggg  ggss l$$$$$$$$I$�"?$g  gssssg ...........,:iIS$$$$$$$$$$$
"�b "*,. "*,..,d$$P + $$`*s$$$$$P'$$Sl i $P""? �� $           :;S$$$$$$$$$$$$$P
mmm ?P mmbm $$$$$$' gs$$ mmmmmmm $$$$$ c $bssd �� $ ..........:i$$$$$$$$$SP�"?:
  .�' `?$$$$$g$ u::...:������.�'
.'d$. .'d$.
` $P ;    ` $P ;
  .�"  bandido ....... (xm) ............... panoramix@hempseed.com   .�"
.'d$.deepflow ...... (xm) ............... deepflow@geocities.com    .'d$.
` $P ;duffy duck .... (xm) .................... duffy@datacomm.ch    ` $P ;
  .+"dupont ........ (xm) ............................ dp@dds.nl.+"
.'d$.emolient ...... (xm) ................. emolient@hotmail.com    .'d$.
` $P ;kenzu ......... (it) ............... shidapu@rocketmail.com ` $P ;
  ,��knuddel ....... (xm) ..................... mind@datacomm.ch,��
.'d$.larry ......... (it) ................. thewatch@mail.rmc.de    .'d$.
` $P ;madbit ........ (xm) ................... madbit@hotmail.com    ` $P ;
  ,��martyn ........ (xm) ........... m-18774@mailbox.swipnet.se   ,��
.'d$.�maverick ...... (xm) .................. vandebilt@skynet.be�   .'d$.
` $P ;                                                                   ` $P ;
  .�"  .�"
.'d$.  .'d$.
` $P ;                                                                   ` $P ;
  .�"    .+"
.'d$.  .'d$.
` $P ; ` $P ;
.'d$. .'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
  ,��  ,��
` $P ;                   ,���.                ` $P ;
 ggggg                   `+.*'       ggggg ggs         $$$$
 $$$$$""""""""�$$$$.$$mmmmmm gggigg..b�"""$$$P�s$$mmmmmm ggggggg artists.`$
gggggggs+�$$r+ $$$'.��.  sggg$$$I$�""!�+sggggg'.��.  sggg$$$�"""$$$$ mgggggggd$
$$$$$$l gs$$ g $$$.`+*'  :$$$$$$Sl i : s l$$$$b`+*'  :$$$$$$�+sgggggg ggggggggg
`?$$$$$g$ a j$mmmmm $$sg l$$$$$$$$bssisss$$$$$P $$sg l$$$$$$"s l$$$$$ $$$$$$P?P
  .�"gg:t $g$$$$$?`:t $g$$$$$ +snm$$$$P'.�"
` $P ;       ` $P ;
  .�"  dirtbag ....... (ansi/gfx) ................. dirtbag@dds.nl  .�"
.'j$. masakado ...... (gfx)  ................... marbov@xs4all.nl    .'j$.
` $P ;                                                               ` $P ;
  .+"   .+"
.'j$.  .'j$.
` $P ;  ` $P ;
  .+"  .+"
.'       '+ggggs.'d$.
mgggigg$$�""$$$$$$b ,dP"?$$$$$$:$$mmmmmm ggg` $P ;
 $$$I$�""",gggg.  gv .*�""�?$$ $$  l$$$$$'.��.  mggg$$$,��
 $$$Sl i  `?$$P'  $ :  �n�� I$mg e-������+`+*'  :$$$$$$ internet..'d$.
 $$$$$bmn n  n g."�b "*,..,d$$ $mmmm$$$$$ $$mg  l$$$$$$ ggggggggggggggggggggggg
.$$$$$$ n nmmmm$$$SbmSbmmmmmmmmmmmn """"" :t $mm$$$$$P'j$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P?P
  .�" .�"
.'d$. .'d$.
` $P ;   �main homepage www .................. www.d-zign.com/advance�` $P ;
  .�"  ........................................................... .�"
.'d$. ftp ............... ftp://skynet.stack.nl/pub/music/advance    .'d$.
` $P ;......... ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/groups/advance ` $P ;
  .+"...........................................................  .+"
.'d$.irc ..................................... #advance (ircnet)    .'d$.
` $P ;  ` $P ;
  ,��  ,��
 $$�""$$$$$$$$$$b$$$$$P""�b.""�?$$$bs    ` $P ;
 gv .*��".*�""�?$$P�?$:   ggr+  I$$$$dP"?$$$$$b more advance(d) [releases] $$ 
 $ :  m :  �m�� $I o Il   $$  :$$$��$$  l$$$$$$ gggggggggggggggg�gggg�gg�g�$$.�
"�b "*,. "*,..,d$$bmd$$m$"$$ mmmm ""$ e-�����"'j�"�?P�"�?P�"�?$$$$$$$$$$$$:$$:�
  .�" `+�'$mmmm$$$$$  dSb. dSb. dSb.$$ 
.'d$. """""  `"�' `"�' `"�'.'$$.
` $P ;         ` $P ;
  .�"  1. adv_ds1a.zip .. (musicdisk) .................. dreamscape 1   .�"
.'d$. (up..to)  .. ............... "the dark side of the moon" .'d$.
` $P ;adv_ds1f.zip .. ...... 13 musicians .. 14 songs .. 26/o4/97` $P ;
  .+"   ,��
.'d$.  2. adv_bw1a.zip .. (ep) ........................... bass works    .'d$.
` $P ; (up..to)  .. ...........................................    ` $P ;
  .��adv_bw1c.zip .. ....... 7 musicians ... 8 songs .. 14/1o/97.+"
` $P ; 3. adv_sh1a.zip .. (ep) .............................. shuffle` $P ;
  .+" (up..to)  .. ...........................................      .+"
.'d$.adv_sh1b.zip .. ....... 6 musicians .. 12 songs .. 1o/12/97.'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
  ,��  4. adv_ninj.zip .. (ep) ....................... the lost ninja,��
.'d$. ........ ... .. ....... 2 musicians ... 2 songs .. o4/o1/98    .'d$.
` $P ;            ` $P ;
` $P ;` $P ;
.'d$.  .'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
  .�"  .+"
.'d$.  .'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
ggs .'d$.
+gg$$mmmmmm ggg` $P ;
 $$�""$$$$$$b.��.  sggg$$$ggggg.��
 gv .*�""�?$$$$$$$P""�b.`+*'  :$$$$$$ ,dP"?$$$$$'.b�"""$$$$$+
 $ :  �n�� I$$$$$$:   ggmiimg l$$$$P""?$  l$$$$$."��+sggggggg
"�b "*,..,d$$$$$$$l gmP' :t $m$$$$$bmmg e-�����' dP"s l$$$$$$ notes.
ggggggggggg.`?$$$$$g$ o ggggggggggggg $mmmm$$$$b `�*ss$$$$$P',ggggggggggggggggg
$$$P?P$$$$$$bmmmmmmmmmmm$$$$$$$$$$$$$mmmmm """""" + . ....: S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P?P
  .�" .�"
` $P ;          ` $P ;
  .�"  You may NOT use any music released through advance for   .�"
.'d$.production on any medium (cd, tape, vinyl, dat, md, etc...)    .'d$.
` $P ;without permission of the author(s). (if you happen to be a` $P ;
  ,�"  good record company or anything, please do not hesitate to.+"
.'d$.contact us though! :) ..)      .'d$.
` $P ;  ` $P ;
  ,��push sub-label:   ,��
` $P ;we also have a (very cool) sublabel called PUSH, ran by    ` $P ;
  ,��duffy duck and knuddel. for more info read the seperate,��
.'d$.push infofile included in this zip .. enjoy em as well!        .'d$.
` $P ;` $P ;
gg$$ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg$$gg $$$$$$$$P""?$$$$$P�""""     """"�?$$$
$$$�$$$$b..+"""?'  advance is no ordinary group. `$$
$$$$$$�$$$' ��  so i made no ordinary infofile. $$
$$$$$$g$$$b....d.hope you guys like it anyway...bk.ega..$$
c File Name Size files Title dur q aq Ac Fmt T Date
-ADV_INFO.ANS31655ANS1998-03-17 18:56:04
-KN-ROH.XM764328roh355.968173072pcm_f32lelibopenmptXM1998-03-15 17:46:26
-LRY-EXPL.IT359613explosive248.952113072pcm_f32lelibopenmptIT1998-01-12 01:45:56
-LRY-SCOT.IT416570scotch278.722125113072pcm_f32lelibopenmptIT1998-02-22 17:43:18
-PUSH.NFO4141NFO1998-03-15 19:03:36
-README.md299md2025-02-07 11:59:07

